Record of the rare bird species and rare breeding cases in Nago City and Okinawa Island : Spring 2019 to summer 2020

Autor: Takehara, Kenji, Miyagi, Kunitarou, Takara, Junji, Toguchi, Yutaka, Murata, Naofumi, Okuma, Kuniaki, Kotaka, Nobuhiko, Arakaki, Yuji
Jazyk: japonština
Rok vydání: 2021
Zdroj: 名桜大学紀要. (26):89-101
ISSN: 1882-4412
Popis: 本報告は,2019年4月から2020年8月までの名護市内を含む沖縄島一円における留鳥の希少な繁殖記録や確認記録の他,渡り鳥の希少な繁殖記録と確認記録などを中心にして,過去に確認された鳥類記録の亜種の再検討など加えてとりまとめたものである。今回,これまで宮古諸島が北限とされているズグロミゾゴイやオオクイナの沖縄島における確認記録と,冬鳥とされているセイタカシギの営巣確認,渡り鳥では沖縄島で初めての確認記録となるナンキンオシとオレンジツグミの確認記録を掲載した。また,過去に沖縄島で記録された種オオシロハラミズナギドリについては,国内における知見が増え,種クビワオオシロハラミズナギドリとして再検討する必要が生じたことから,種の再同定を行い,観察記録の見直しを行った。なお,本種の確認記録は南西諸島初記録である。
This report is as compilation of past bird sightings in Okinawa Island including Nago City, from April of 2019 to August of 2020 with concentration on the breeding of rare migratory birds and their sightings as well as that of resident birds. This report also includes the reconsideration on subspecies sighting from the past records. Gorsachius nelanolophus and Rallina eurizonoides, of which their northern limit were considered to range up to Miyako islands, were actually sighted in Okinawa Island. The nesting of Himantopus himantopus himatopus, which were considered to be winter birds, was sighted as well. Among the migratory birds, Nettapus coromandelianus and Zoothera citrina were sighted for the first time in Okinawa Island. Regarding Pterodroma cervicalis, which was sighted in Okinawa Island in the past, is now increasingly recognized throughout Japan that it has become necessary to re-consider this species as P. cervicalis. Therefore, the record of sightings of this species have been re-examined. The sighting of this species in the Nansei islands was its first record.
Databáze: OpenAIRE