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緒言:本研究では,若年女性に対して神経性過食症傾向の程度と食事及び心理状態との関連について検討を行った。方法:若年女性174名(20歳)を対象に解析を行った。神経性過食症傾向の程度は大食症質問表(BITE)を用いて評価を行い,既報に基づき健常群,傾向群,重症群の3群に分類した。心理状態の評価は,新版STAIを用いて状態不安及び特性不安を,自己評価式抑うつ性尺度(SDS)でうつ症状の評価を行った。食事内容は簡易型自記式食事歴法質問票(BDHQ)で評価し,相互の関連について検討した。結果:神経性過食症傾向の分類は,健常群104名(60%),傾向群が57名(33%),重症群13名(7%)であった。食事内容について,傾向群は健常群に比べて穀類,米飯,豚肉・牛肉の摂取量が有意に低値を示し,菓子類,特に洋菓子の摂取量が有意に高値を示した。また,重症群は健常群に比べ,穀類,豚肉・牛肉の摂取量が低値を示す傾向が認められた。心理状態では,特性不安得点及びうつ尺度は,傾向群,重症群は健常群に比べ有意に高値を示した。考察:神経性過食症傾向がある者は,特定の食事内容を摂取または制限している可能性があり,食行動の背景には心理状態が関連している可能性があると考えられた。Objective: This study aimed to determine the relationships between bulimia nervosa (BN), dietary contents, and psychological status in young women. Methods: The participants were 174 women at a university in Japan (median age: 20 years) whose tendency toward BN, dietary contents and behaviors, and psychological status were evaluated. Tendency toward BN was assessed using Bulimic Investigatory Test, Edinburgh (BITE) and classified into three groups by level of BN (healthy, tendency, and severe). Psychological status was evaluated using a new version of State-Trait Anxiety Inventory (STAI) for state and trait anxiety and Self-rating Depression (SDS) for depressive symptoms. Dietary content was assessed using brief-type self-administered diet history questionnaire (BDHQ). Results: The healthy, tendency, and severe groups comprised 104 (60%), 57 (33%), and 13 (7%) respondents, respectively. The tendency group had significantly lower intakes of cereals, rice, pork, and beef and significantly higher intake of confectionery, especially western sweets, compared to the healthy group; the severe group tended to have lower intakes of cereals, pork, and beef compared to the healthy group. The trait anxiety and depression scores were significantly higher in the tendency and severe groups than in the healthy group. Discussion: Individuals with BN and a tendency toward BN may show a liking for particular foods, which may be related to their psychological status. |