模擬授業を中心に行う理科教育法におけるeラーニングの実践と効果について -2つのメーリングリストに分けての授業-

Jazyk: japonština
Rok vydání: 2016
Zdroj: 人間教育学研究 = Journal for Humanistic Education. 4:163-170
ISSN: 2188-9228
Popis: :In the simulated class of the science teaching method in the university, it is important to receive an advicefrom the university teacher. In this practice, when doing the lecture which introduced an simulated class by thescience teaching method, it does the e-learning which used two mailing lists. It thinks much of the e learning style,however, the day not to be a school day, it is because it thinks that the guide is important.In this research, it investigated which degree ML the student used. Also, it investigated how the student was thinkingabout the e-learning. It found that an ML was often used for preparation, a revision as a result of the investigation. Thispractice functioned as the active-learning. It became the practice example of the blended-learning, too.
Databáze: OpenAIRE