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動的分子場とスピンの揺らぎの統合理論に関する論文1. T.Saso, A Unified Theory of Dynamical Mean Field and Spin Fluctuations, 」.Phys.Soc.Jpn.68, No.12(1999) p.3941-3947 公開不可のため削除2. K Urasaki and T. Saso, Effects of Strong Correlation and Magnetic Field on Kondo Insulators, JJAP Series11, Physics of Strongly Correlated Electron Systems(1999)100. 公開不可のため削除3. K.Urasaki and T.Saso, Correlation Effects on Optical Conductivity of FeSi, J.Phys.Soc.Jpn.68, No.11(1999) p.3477-3480. 公開不可のため削除4. T.Saso, Investigation of the Two-Particle-SelfConsistent Theory for the Single-Impurity Anderson Model and an Extension to the Case of Strong Correlation, J.Phys.Soc.Jpn.69 No.12(2000) p.3912-3916 公開不可のため削除5. Kl.Urasaki and T.Saso, Correlation Effects in Multi-Band Hubbard Model and Anomalous Properties of FeSi, "New Propeperties of Matter due to Ordering and Fluctuation of Electron Orbitals-Comprehensive Study of f- and d-Electrons--" News Letter Vol.1 No.2(2000) p.83-86 6. T Kitajima and T.Saso Unfined Theory of Dynamical Mean Field and Self-Consistently Renomalized Spin-Fluctuations, Physica B 281&282(2000) p.853-854. 公開不可のため削除7. K.Urasaki and T Saso, Many-Body Effects on the Optical Conductivity of the correlated Band Insulators, Physica B 281&282(2000) p.313-314. 公開不可のため削除8. T Saso, Theory of Kondo Insulators under Strong Magnetic Field, Physica B 281&282(2000) p.315-316. 公開不可のため削除9. T Saso, Iterative Perturbation Theory for Strongly Correlated Electron Systems with Orbital Degeneracy, J.Phys.Cond.Matter13(2001) L141-146. 公開不可のため削除10. T Saso, Hybrid theory of the dynamical mean field and the spin-fluctuations in strongly correlated electron systems, to ap.ear in Proc.2001 Intemational Conference on Strongly Correlated Electrons(SCES2001)11. T Saso, Spin Fluctuation Theory for Heavy Femions and Kondo Insulators, New Properties of Matter due to Ordering and Fluctuation of Electron Orbitals ---Comprehensive Studies of f- and d-Electrons--- Newsletter Vol.2 No.2(2001) p.190-193. 12. K.Urasaki and T Saso, Kondo semiconductor-Study of FeSi from the view point of strong correlation, Proc. 25th International Conference on Semiconductors(2001) p.1695-1696 公開不可のため削除強い相関のある近藤絶縁体の熱電能に関する論文13. T.Saso and K.Urasaki, Thermopower of Kondo Insulators, to appear in Proc. Of Int'l Symposium ISSP-Kashiwa 2001 Correlated Electrons(2001) 出版元問い合わせ中のため削除14. Tetsuro Saso and Kentaro Urasaki "Seebeck Coefficient of Kondo Insulators" Journal of the Physical Society of Japan 71 (2002) Supplement, p.288-290 Proc. Conf. Strongly Correlated Electrons with Orbital Degree of Freedom (2001) Copyright(c)2002 The Physical Society of Japan (http://jpsj.ipap.jp/link?JPSJS/71S/288)15.浦崎健太郎, 佐宗哲郎, 紺谷浩:「強相関電子系の熱電能の理論の現状と展望」 熱電変換シンポジウム2001(TEC2001)論文集(招待講演)p.11-19 出版元問い合わせ中のため削除16. 佐宗哲郎:「強相関電子系のゼーベック係数について」, to appear in TECJ Newsletter (2002) 出版元問い合わせ中のため削除 量子ドットにおける強相関効果に関する論文17. O.Takagi and T.Saso, Magnetic Field Effects on Transport Properties of a Quantum Dot Sudied by Modified Perturbation Theory J.Phys.Soc.Jpn.68, No.6(1999) p.1997-2005. 公開不可のため削除18. O.Takagi and T.Saso, Modified Peturbation Theory Applied to the Kondo-type Transport through a Quantum Dot under Magnetic Field, J.Phys.Soc.Jpn.68, No.9(1999) p.2894-2897. 公開不可のため削除19. O.Takagi and T.Saso, Modified Perturbation Theory Strongly Correlated Electron Systems, JJAP Series11, Physics of Strongly Correlated Electron Systems(1999) p.218 公開不可のため削除20. O.Takagi and T、Saso, Excitation Spectra of Anderson Impurity under Magnetic Field, Physica B281&282(2000)p.185-186 公開不可のため削除21. O.Takagi and T Saso, Transport properties through a quantum dot in : Kondo regime by modified perturbation theory Proc.25th International Conference on Semiconductors(2001)p.1083-1084. |