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本研究は,3–4歳児を対象に,表情の表出能力を測る課題と感情理解を測る課題を実施し,表情表出と感情理解の関連に着目し,表情表出のメカニズムを検討することを目的とした。表情表出課題では,表出の遂行において感情理解がどのように貢献しているかを明らかにするために,情動語を与え,それに合う表情をするように求める情動語条件と提示する写真の表情の模倣をするように求める模倣条件を設けた。これら2条件の表情表出課題と感情理解課題との関連を調べた結果,情動語条件においては,表情表出課題と理解課題に有意な正の相関関係がみられたが,模倣条件における表情表出は理解課題との間に有意な相関関係は見られなかった。こうした結果から,3–4歳児では,情動語に適した表情を想起し,それを表出する過程において感情理解が必要となるが,表情を模倣して表出する際には感情理解に影響されないことが示唆された。This study examined the relationship between production of facial expressions and understanding emotions to gain insight into the ability of 3 – 4 year old children to produce such emotional facial expressions. In the present study, 37 young children performed tasks that entailed choosing, labeling, and production. In the production task, all children completed the requirements of two conditions designed to investigate how understanding of facial expressions and emotions influences the production of such expressions. In the “labeling condition, ” the children were given an emotional label and asked to produce the same type of facial expression as the label. In the “imitation condition, ” they were shown a picture of a facial expression, which they were then asked to imitate. The results revealed significant correlations between performance in the labeling tasks and the production task only in the labeling condition. These findings suggest that 3 – 4-year-old children refer to their knowledge about facial expressions and emotions in the process of producing facial expressions from emotional labels, but not when they are just imitating facial expressions. |