
Autor: Minoru, WATANABE, Faculty of Social Welfare, Hanazono University
Jazyk: japonština
Popis: 知的障害児の文字・書きことば学習の指導について、担当教員の意識や指導方法を明らかにすることによって、文字・書きことばの習得学習が効果的に行われるための基礎的要件を明らかにする。研究方法は、K 市小学校の特別支援学級担当教員51 人に、勤務年数や書字指導について、児童の発達段階の意識等、7 項目の質問を4 段階で回答してもらい、その理由をKJ 法で分析し、各質問項目の相関も調べた。結果として、国語の重点課題では「話すこと」をあげた教員が最も多く、「書くこと」の指導は最も少なかった。回答における各項目の相関では、「発達段階の考慮」と「書字学習は難しいか」という質問において女性教員では弱い相関がある。男性教員では経験年数と指導法において負の相関が認められ、経験年数が増すに従って指導法の悩みが減少していくが、「経験に頼っている」という反省もある。指導方法では、具体的な工夫や児童と指導者の課題を述べ、積極的に週予定の中に書字指導を組み込み、指導の有効性と見通しを持って指導をすることが必要であると言える。
This paper identifies the basic requirements for the effective acquisition of writing and written language by identifying teacher awareness and instruction methods in the course of instructing mentally disabled children in writing and written language learning. The research method used was to have 51 teachers of special-needs classes at elementary schools in a Japanese city provide four point scale answers to seven questions regarding topics such as number of years teaching, handwriting instruction, and awareness of the children's developmental stages, and then to analyze the responses using the KJ(Kawakita Jiro)method, otherwise known as the affinity diagram,and study the correlations between the responses to the question items. The results showed that "speaking" was given as an important priority by the largest number of teachers, while the instruction of "writing" ranked the lowest. Studying the correlation between responses to question items indicated that among female teachers, there was a weak correlation between question items regarding "taking developmental stages into consideration" and whether "learning handwriting is difficult." A negative correlation was found among male teachers between years of experience and instruction methods, with concerns about instruction methods decreasing as years of experience increased, albeit accompanied with regret that they were "relying on experience." There appears to be a need for instruction to be conducted with a greater awareness of effectiveness and prospects,with instruction methods incorporating concrete innovations as well as specifying tasks for students and instructors, and proactively incorporating handwriting instruction into the weekly schedule.Key words : Mentally disabled children, writing and written
Databáze: OpenAIRE