
Jazyk: japonština
Rok vydání: 2004
Zdroj: 長崎大学医学部保健学科紀要. 17(2):45-51
ISSN: 0916-0841
Popis: 患者が腎移植に対し,どのようなイメージを持っているかを捉えるために,二次元イメージ法(Two Dimensional Mapping 以下TDMと略す)を応用した. TDMは患者の思考を段階的に導く縦軸と横軸を示した用紙と,患者が確認すべき腎移植のキーワードをイラスト化したいくつかの小カード群からなる.患者は二次元シート上で自己判断により小カードの位置づけを行い,マップを作成する. 小カードは,腎移植に関連する「拒絶」,「感染」,「透析」など17個のキーワードを選び,二次元シートは,横軸を「不安の強さ」,縦軸を「知識度」とした.このTDMを生体腎移植予定患者に試行的に実践した. まず患者に小カードを見てもらい,不安の強さについて横軸にそって小カードを並べる.次に知識度を評価して,小カードを移動させる.この作業の後,気づきや考えを患者に述べてもらった. その結果,二次元マップの作成のプロセスと自身の考えを言葉にすることで,患者は自分の考えを客観的に捉えることができた. この方法は,看護者と患者の間のコミュニケーションを活発にできることや患者が腎移植によって起こる生活の変化を自己認識する手段として有用であると思われる.
Two Dimensional Mapping (TDM) is a tool and process that we use to determine and evaluate a patient perception of renal transplantation and what they expect in the future post operation. TDM is applied to a patient who has plans for renal transplantation and is a procedure to determine a patients' thinking using a combination of several small cards and worksheets. Each card represents some basic knowledge about renal transplantation by using symbols such as rejection, infection, and dialysis. We researched and selected key words in relationship to renal transplantation and then made the cards. The worksheet has a two dimensional line, which is used to determine the patients' level on understanding of renal transplantation. The horizontal and vertical axes' correspond to a level of knowledge and lack of anxiety from the patient respectively. In the first step, the patient sorts the cards on the horizontal axis according to what they are unsure of. Then the patient slides each of the cards toward the vertical axis based on what they do know. These two steps of card arrangement constitute the basic principles of TDM. The patient talked and described their insights and thoughts on each step of the procedure. From these procedures we can counsel the patient better, prepare for what will happen on him, and give advice for an easier recovery. TDM process and counseling of the patients' thoughts help to make the patient look at their condition more objectively. This talking, counseling, and evaluation along with the patients' own thoughts give the patient a deeper and better understanding of TDM. This method is useful for active communication with patients and self-recognition of the changes in his life after renal transplantation.
長崎大学医学部保健学科紀要 = Bulletin of Nagasaki University School of Health Sciences. 2004, 17(2), p.45-51
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