A Review of the Relation between Studies on Emotion Regulation in Pediatric Asthma and Mother-Child Interaction : Toward Emotion-Regulation Intervention by Activating Maternal Functions

Autor: Nakajima, Sonomi
Jazyk: japonština
Rok vydání: 2011
Zdroj: 大阪大学教育学年報. 16:85-99
ISSN: 1341-9595
Popis: 小児喘息は,代表的な心身症であり,情動制御に問題があると指摘されている。情動制御は,喚起された情動により行動を変化させることと,情動そのものを変化させるという2 つの要素から構成され,役割としては,モニタリングや情動の調節などがある。情動制御が困難な場合,身体・精神疾患の危険因子となりうる。情動制御の発達への影響は,初期の神経生理学的成長を基盤とし,情動に関する概念の理解,情動をマネジメントする対処方略,社会的影響(例えば,親のコーチング,モデリング,直接的指示,会話,母子相互関係など)がある。特に,母親の母子相互作用時の情動や行動そして子どもの気質が重要な要因となる。本論文では,情動制御の発達に大きな影響を与える母子関係に焦点をあて,まず,母親の子どもの情動制御の発達に関係する機能について検討し,喘息児の母子相互作用に関する研究の知見について整理を行った。次に,喘息児の情動制御の障害と症状や重症度との関連についての研究を整理し,最後に,臨床群を対象にした情動制御への介入の実践の効果を検討し喘息児への情動制御発達への介入に関する示唆を得ることとした。
Pediatric asthma is the most common psychosomatic disorder in children. A number of recent studies have suggested that children with asthma have emotion dysregulation. Emotion regulation is a construct involving emotion as being both a behavior regulator and a regulated phenomenon, and the role of emotion regulation is extrinsic and intrinsic to the monitoring and adjusting of emotion. Emotion dysregulation could imply the risk of physical and psychological diseases. The development of emotion regulation is based on early neurobiological growth and guided by a child’s conceptual understanding of emotion, the strategies for emotion management, and social influences (parental coaching, modeling, direct interventions, conversations, mother-child relationship quality, etc.). The transaction of a child’s temperament and the mother’s emotional characteristics and behavior are particularly important. This review largely focuses on mother-child interaction and its influence on human development. It outlines and examines the mother’s functions that relate to the development of emotion regulation and discusses the effect of research on mother-child interaction. Then, the implications of asthma severity, the symptoms, and emotion dysregulation among children with asthma are reviewed. Finally, emotion-regulation intervention among clinical populations is introduced and its effects are tested. The goal of this review is to find and suggest an intervention method that improves emotion regulation.
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