
Autor: Toshiko, SASAKI, Tomoe, NAGATANI, Yoshimi, YANO
Jazyk: japonština
Rok vydání: 2022
Zdroj: 紀要 = Bulletin of Nayoro City University. 16:37-43
ISSN: 1881-7440
Popis: 【要旨】本研究の目的は、医療的ケアを必要とする子どもの小学校就学に伴う親の思いを明らかにするこ とである。研究協力が得られた医療的ケアを必要とする子どもの親 4 名に半構造化面接を実施し、質的記 述的に分析を行った。その結果、【わが子の将来を考える】【わが子の希望を叶える決意】【 就学後も子ども 達と一緒に育つ期待感】【 家から出られない閉塞感】【希望が通らない就学への困難感】【周囲の人とのつな がりを支えに一歩踏み出す覚悟】のカテゴリーが生成された。親は、わが子の将来を考え、わが子の希望 を叶える決意で行動していた。さらに、その思いを後押ししてくれた幼稚園・保育所時代の子ども達と母 親達の存在が小学校就学を実現するための支えとなっていた。 Abstract : This study aims to understand the feelings of parents of children with medical complexity when the children are to enroll in elementary school. Semi-structured interviews were conducted with four parents of children with medical complexity who expressed consent to the study participation. The interview data were qualitatively and descriptively analyzed. The analysis identified the following categories: ‘thinking about the future of their own child’, ‘decision to fulfill the wishes of their child’, ‘expectation for the child to grow up with other children also after school age’, ‘feelings of obstruction that their children cannot go out from the home’, ‘feelings of difficulty in being unable to let their children go to school as wished’, and ‘preparedness to take steps with support from the people around them’. Parents thought about the future of their children and acted with determination to fulfill the wishes of the children. Further, the parents were emotionally supported by the presence of the children and other mothers from kindergarten and nursery school days who supported the parents in the endeavor to realize the wishes of elementary school enrollment for their children.
Databáze: OpenAIRE