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本研究の目的は,動力伝達の学習の導入における問題解決的な学習が,生徒の学習意欲や思考に及ぼす効果を明らかにすることである。授業実践において,Tech未来(動力伝達の部品を組み合わせるブロック教材)を用いて動力を伝達させる問題解決学習を行った。その結果,生徒が試行錯誤を通して多様に発想しつつ,より良い解決方法を導き出そうとする姿が見られた。また,授業後の感想記述により,学習の困難さを感じつつも,楽しいといった肯定的感情が多く得られることが示唆された。 / The purpose of this study is to clarify the effect of problem-solving learning at the introductory part of learning of “power transmission”. Students learned how to transmit power using Tech’MIRAI’ (Block teaching material that enables various combinations of parts of power-transmission) as a problem-solving learning. As a result, students showed attitude to try to find better solutions through various trials and errors. In addition, it was suggested by the class questionnaires conducted after the class, that the students had not only feft difficulties but also showed a lot of positive emotions such as "fun”. |