Special Education Introduced in the National Colleges of Education (NCoEs) towards Inclusive Education in Sri Lanka

Autor: Hiroko, Furuta, Prasad, Sethunga
Jazyk: japonština
Rok vydání: 2008
Zdroj: 熊本大学教育学部紀要 人文科学. 57:167-174
ISSN: 0454-613X
Popis: 本研究では、2006年と2007年にスリランカ国立教員養成カレッジ(National Colleges of Education)3校、すなわち西部州ガンパハ県のハーピティガマ校、西部州カルタラ県のダルガタウン校、中央州ヌワラエリヤ県のスリー・パーダ校及び国立教育研修・研究所(National Institute of Education)を訪問し、資料収集を行うとともに関係者への面談調査を行った。
The purpose of the present research is to describe the status of teacher education reforms in general education in Sri Lanka with a particular reference to a new subject in the National Colleges of Education (NCoEs). Three NCoEs and the National Institute of Education (NIE) were visited and interviews were conducted with the relevant personnel.
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