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This paper investigates an actual case study of migrant labor force in CVillage, Henan Province, and draws the following conclusions. (1) Due to the sluggish agricultural economy in Village C and limitedintra-village employment opportunities, a large number of farmers havevoluntarily migrated out of the village. (2) The face sheet of the migrant labor force can be summarized asfollows:intra-regional migrant workers are mainly concentrated amongthose in their 30s and 40s, while those outside the region are characterizedby young workers in their 20s; In addition, the migrant labor force in Village C is mainly composed ofprimary and middle school graduates, with only a few having technicalschool or high school educations or higher. Therefore, the overall level ofeducation in rural Henan is low, and it is considered necessary to improveeducational institutions in rural areas and related infrastructure. (3) The migrant labor force in the province is mainly engaged in short-term employment or in the construction industry in areas within andoutside the province, where the distance is close. One of the reasons forthis can be attributed to dual employment with agricultural operations. Inaddition, out-of-province migrant workers are mainly moving to coastaland central cities that are quite far from their place of origin. As for out-of-province migration, the concept of distance between the place of originand the destination of migration is weak, indicating that migration to coastal and central cities in search of higher wages is the main source of migration. (4) The average annual income of all surveyed workers was found to beslightly lower than that of the national and provincial average. (5) The duration of service of migrant workers outside the region isconsiderably longer than that of migrant workers within the province. (6) Employment of the migrant labor force is mainly concentrated intemporary and short-term employment. In addition, the overall number ofrural labor force members who are privately owned or regularly employedis seen as quite small. The employment routes of the migrant labor forceconsist of introductions by acquaintances, family members, onlineinformation, and the local labor market, and in both the intra-provincialand extra-provincial regions, there is a tendency for the migrant laborforce to be introduced by acquaintances, family members, or rural laborforce members with migrant experience, indicating that rural labor forcemembers depend on acquaintances and blood relations for their migrantemployment. |