Solo pieces for lute _biwa_ in old notations : 'Reproducing' a lost performance practice

Autor: NELSON, Steven G.
Jazyk: japonština
Rok vydání: 2018
Zdroj: 科学研究費助成事業 研究成果報告書. :1-5
Popis: 研究成果の概要 (和文) : 日本で古代から中世にかけて盛んに演奏されたものの、後に伝承が途絶えてしまった琵琶の独奏曲、すなわち琵琶の「撥合」(かきあわせ)と「手」(て)について、その全貌を明らかにするべく、現存楽譜の翻刻と五線譜化を行った。琵琶奏者、中村かほる氏の協力を得て舞台での復元試演を行い、秘曲として重視された4曲を含め、代表的な撥合と手を録音し、後の発信に備えた。調絃を確かめるための小曲である撥合には、主要音の同音反復の音型が多く、調性は日本化された音階理論に基づいている。一方、手は伝来当初の諸特徴がよく保持され、調性については撥合と同様の変容は見られない。
研究成果の概要 (英文) : This research represents an attempt to evaluate the lost repertory of tuning pieces (_kakiawase_) and modal preludes (_te_) for solo performance on the lute _biwa_ of ancient to medieval Japan. Notation in surviving scores was deciphered and transnotated into staff notation. With the cooperation of the _biwa_ player NAKAMURA Kahoru, several stage performances were mounted, and recordings made of representative pieces, including the four that gained prominence as 'secret pieces' in the medieval period. The tuning pieces display many phrases with repeated striking of the main tones (tonic and dominant) of the mode; some in modes with a major third degree demonstrate a distinctive shift in modal usage, with sharpening of the fourth and seventh. The modal preludes, in contrast, appear to retain their original (Tang Chinese) musical language, with no significant change in modal usage.
Databáze: OpenAIRE