Clinical Statistical Studies on Urolithiasis : a Recent Seven Years' Observation ('54-'60) at the Iwate Medical College

Autor: OHORI, Tsutomu, MAYAMA, Iwao, KON, Saiichi, UEHARA, Yoshihide, KOYANO, Makoto, KANZAKI, Masahiro
Jazyk: japonština
Rok vydání: 1963
Zdroj: 泌尿器科紀要. 9(7):388-397
ISSN: 0018-1994
Popis: During these seven years, there were seen 248 cases o f urolithiasis amongt he 5, 775c ases of urological patients who visited the Iwate Medical College, which is located in the eastnorthern part (Tohoku District) of Japan. Clinical statistical observations of the 248 cases gave the following results : 1) The occurrencei nc i d enceo f urolithiasisd uringt hese seven years was 4 .3%/4.8%"-3.9% (Occurrencei ncidence/confidencleim it : upper l imit—lowerl imit). 2) As to sex, the conditionw as noted to occurs ignifican t ly( P < 0 .001)f ar more frequently in male (192 c ases: 77.4%/81.9%"-72.0%t)h an in female (56 cases : 22.6%/27.5%018.5%). 3) As to age, it was noted to be seen most frequently in the th i r d decade (78 cases: 31.5%/37.3%, --26.2%t)h, ereafter gradually decreasing in number with age. Around half of the patients were in the age group between 21 and 40 years of age (142 cases : 57.3%/68.4% —47.6%). 4)C oncerningi ts occurrence sites, ureter occupiedt he greatest proportion (119 cases: 46.7%/52.7%, --40.8%fo), l lowedb y bladder (57 c ases : 2 2.4%/27.3%-18.3%).D ividingt he case s into urolithiasis of the upper urinary tract and that of the lower urinary tract, it was revealed that the occurrence incidence of the former was significantly( P < 0.001) greater than that of the latter, making us recognizet hat the so-called- Steinwelle" has become finally observed also in this part of Japan. 5) As to occup a tiono f the patients, it was found that the condition in this part of Japan occurred highly in office workers (94 case 37.9%/43.7%, -32.8%), and then in farmers (70 cases : 28.2%/33.8%, -23.5%). Further, it was noted that in these office workers the occurrence incidence of urolithiasis of the upper urinary tract was significantly (p
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