Studies on the regulation of the underground temperature in the pot. I. Results of the Wagner pot experiment and its observation in early autumn

Autor: Suzuki, Haruo, Miyagawa, Hideo, Nishioka, Midori
Jazyk: japonština
Rok vydání: 1977
Zdroj: 香川大学農学部学術報告. 29(1):35-44
ISSN: 0368-5128
Popis: application/pdf
Wagner pot has been used in the cultivation experiments of crops, vegetables and other plants. In these experiments, however, the environment condition of the root especially the underground temperature is different from one in the arable land. Three plots were made, namely the no treatment pot, the black lacquir coated pot and the aluminum evaporated film coverd pot. One set of the pots of these experimental plots was put on the ground and the other was buried in the ground remaing about 2 cm from the top. In this work, the distribution of solar radiation at the outer surface of the pot was calculated and the determination of the distribution of the underground temperature in each pot; its daily variation and daily amounts were characteristic in each direction. The characteristic tendency of the distribution of the underground temperature in the each pot was mainly obtained in the daily variation, the horizontal and the vertical distribution of the underground temperature, also the characteristic differences of the effects by the treatment of the outer surface of the pot were obtained in each direction of the underground in each pot. The characteristic tendency of the distribution of the underground temperature in aluminum evaporated film coverd pot was the most approximate to that of the arable land in the pots which were set on the ground, and then the effects of aluminum evaporated film covering were gained. The amplitude of daily heat quantity variation of the underground in the pot of each plot was the greatest in the black lacquir coated pot.
作物, 蔬菜の栽培試験では, Wagner pot がよく用いられている. そこでは根の環境, 特に土壌温度が一般耕地とは異なることにより種々の問題を提起している. そこで, 1974年9月11日, Wagner pot (1/2000a) の外壁面のAlbedoを調節し, またPotは埋設処理と無処理を行い, Pot外壁面での日射, 各区の処理効果, そしてPot内の土壌温度分布特性について実験を試みた. Pot壁面での日射を計算により求めた結果, その日変化は, 各方位の壁面に夫々特有であり, また日総量とともに各処理区のPot内土壌温度に特有な分布を発現させたものと考えられた. Pot内土壌温度分布特性が, 日変化, 垂直及び水平断面の分布にみられ, また各Pot壁面処理効果も得られた. 地上設置のPotでは, アルミ蒸着フィルム壁面処理区が一般耕地に最も近似した土壌温度分布の様相を呈し, その処理効果が認められた. Pot内土壌中央部での地中熱交換量について計算した結果, 日変化較差は黒塗区が最も大であった.
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