[症例報告]H C V 抗体陽性の原発性胆汁性肝硬変症に肝細胞癌を合併した1例

Autor: Teruya, Hiroshi, Gakiya, Izuru, Niimura, Seishou, Shikiya, Koushin, Ymashiro, Akihiro, Sakugawa, Akihiro, Kinjo, Fukunori, Saito, Atsushi, 琉球大学医学部内科学第1講座
Jazyk: japonština
Rok vydání: 1994
Zdroj: 琉球医学会誌 = Ryukyu Medical Journal. 14(1):83-85
ISSN: 1346-888X
Popis: There have been a few case reports of primary biliary cirrhosis (PBC) accompanied by hepatocellular carcinoma(HCC). We presented here a case report of 59-years-old female, who had PBC accompanied by HCC. She was admitted to our hospital for evaluation of liver dysfunction in 1985. She was diagnosed as having PBC, and in 1992 underwent ultrasonography to correct a space occupying lesion in the segment 7 of the liver. Moreover, a selective celiac angiography showed a tumor in the same region. From the result of these imaging studies she was diagnosed as having HCC. We could not decide which etiological factor contributed to HCC, PBC or HCV infection, however it was decided that it is necessary to check heptitis virus markers and perform ultrasonography regularly, as follow up of PBC.
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