[原著論文] 秋田県市民のがん医療に対する安心感の実態と安心感に影響をあたえる居住地域の特徴

Autor: Hiromi, HARA, Kazumi, NATSUHARA
Jazyk: japonština
Rok vydání: 2016
Zdroj: 日本赤十字秋田看護大学・日本赤十字秋田短期大学紀要. (20):11-23
ISSN: 2186-8263
Popis: 秋田県内3地域(秋田市、横手市、湯沢市)に居住する一般市民のがん医療に対する安心感の実態と、安心感に影響を与える居住地域の特徴について明らかにすることを目的に、1200名に対して質問紙調査を行った。437名(有効回答率36.6% )から回答を得た。その結果、居住地域でのがん医療に対して、59.2%の回答者は安心して治療や介護を受けられるとは思っていなかった。特に自宅療養に関する安心感は低く、「地域で安心して自宅療養できる」と思っていた回答者は20.4%であった。また、7割以上の回答者が「冬を乗り切ることは『安心感』を考える上で大切である」「地域での療養は『安心感』を考える上で大切である」と思っていた。地域別の特徴では、がん拠点病院や緩和ケア施設をもたず、特別豪雪地域である湯沢市の安心感が低く、医療圏での差が生じていた。がん医療に対する安心感を高める居住地域の特徴は「近くにすぐかかれる医療機関があって安心であること」「冬季にも自宅療養することが可能であること」「地域の在宅療養の体制を知ること」であった。本研究の結果、一般市民のがん医療に対する安心感を高めるには、身近な医療機関の充実やがん医療に関する情報支援システムなどの対策の必要性が示されたと言える。また、冬季での自宅療養を可能にするために、除雪サービス等の具体的な福祉や生活支援の検討も必要である。
Questionnaire concerning feelings of support and security regarding cancer care were administered to 1200 residents from three regions in Akita prefecture (Akita, Yokote, and Yuzawa cities), to elucidate the characteristics of these residential areas as it aff ects their sense of security. We received 437 responses (response rate: 36.6% ). The results of the survey revealed that 59.2% of the respondents did not believe that they could receive cancer treatment or nursing care without anxiety in their residential areas. A sense of security concerning home care services was especially low: only 20.4% of the respondents thought that they "can receive home care services in their local area without anxiety." Moreover, 70% or more of the respondents thought that "to get through the winter" or "to receive eff ective treatment in the local community" were important with reference to their own sense of security. The characteristics analyzed by each region revealed diff erences between the healthcare zones in which the areas were located. Thus a sense of security among residents of Yuzawa city was low, possibly because the city has no core hospitals or palliative care facilities being in an area that receives particularly heavy snowfall. The characteristics of these residential areas that increase a sense of security concerning cancer care were as follows: "there is a medicalinstitution nearby that can be immediately consulted when necessary," "residents can receive medical care at home even during winter," and "residents know about the system for home medical care in the local community." These results show that in order to increase a sense of security for ordinary citizens with reference to cancer care, it is necessary to examine strategies to enhance local medical institutions and information support systems concerning cancer care. Also to develop specific welfare and livelihood support such as snow-removal services are needed to enable home medical treatment during winter.
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