The thought and practice on School of Childhood Sport Education

Jazyk: japonština
Rok vydání: 2021
Zdroj: 日本体育大学大学院教育学研究科紀要. 4(2):311-321
ISSN: 2433-8656
Popis: 2013年4月に,それまで体育学部1つしかなかった日本体育大学に,2つ目の学部(児童スポーツ教育学部)が誕生した。この新学部は,従来の日本体育大学女子短期大学部を4年生の学部に改組したものであった。 この小論では,その新学部の教育課程を作成する際に参考とした2つの考え方,および新学部における私の教育実践について述べる。1.新学部の教育課程に4年間を貫く演習科目を「基軸科目」として置いた。それは,女子短期大学部の「教養演習」と「総合演習」を発展的に継承したものである。 また同様に,「体験学習」を発展的に継承した「野外活動実習」を導入した。2.新学部の主目的である「体育指導に強い小学校教育の養成」のために,私の前任校である宮城教育大学の教員養成改革において,「小学校教員の専門性とは何か」を追求した試み(Aコース教官団,系構想,合同研究室)の成果を盛り込んだ。3.新学部における私自身の教育実践として,教養科目の「身体とスポーツの文化論」,学科共通科目の「児童の体つくりと動きつくり」,3・4年次のゼミ(児童スポーツ研究Ⅰ・Ⅱ)の一端を紹介した。
The 2nd faculty (School of Childhood Sport Education) was born in April, 2013 in Nippon Sport Science University which had only one Department of Physical Education till then. This new faculty reorganized the conventional Woman Junior College department of Nippon Sport Science University to the fourth grader's faculty. By this short article, when I create the curriculum of a new faculty, I state two matters to which I referred, and my educational practice in a new faculty.1. I put the exercise subject which pierces through four years on the curriculum of a new faculty as a "standard subject." I put the seminar subject which pierces through four years on the curriculum of a new faculty as a "standard subject." It inherited expansively the "culture exercise" and "a comprehensive exercise" of the woman junior college department. Moreover, I introduced similarly "outdoor activity training" which inherited "experience study" expansively.2. I introduced some ideas into the curriculum of a new faculty for "cultivation of a primary teacher good at a P.E." which is the main purposes of a new faculty. In teacher training reform of Miyagi University of Education which is my former school, those ideas were results to try (A course instructor team, a connseption of system, a joint laboratory) of having searched for "a primary teacher's speciality nature."3. I introduced three educational practice of me of a new faculty myself. They are "cultural theory of body and sport", "cultivatin of child's body and movement" and my seminars (child's sport research I-II)
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