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【研究目的】本研究は島しょに居住する慢性呼吸器疾患患者を対象に、在宅療養における自己管理と支援の状況をQOLの関連から明らかにし、在宅療養支援の資料とすることを目的とし、質問紙を用いて聞き取り調査を行った。【結果及び結論】調査対象者は慢性呼吸器疾患患者27人で、男性17人(63.0%)、女性10人(37.0%)、平均年齢76.4歳であった。8割がHOTを行っており、痰・息切れ等の呼吸器症状を有し、呼吸状態は不良であった。症状コントロールについては、痰に対し半数が水分摂取を行う、息苦しさへの対応は74.1%が「すぐ動作を止め休む」であったが、肺理学療法を行う者は少なかった。在宅での自己管理状況は、服薬は「自分で服用できる」、栄養は「あるものを食べる」が66.7%、散歩は「滅多に外で歩かない」が55.6%と最も多く、感染予防について風邪にとても気をつけている者は半数以下であった。支援者で最も多い人は家族(92.6%)、次いで親戚(37.0%)であった。専門職者の支援は介護福祉士とケアマネージャーが最も多く(44.4%)、次いで看護師、医師であった。QOLについて下位尺度はどれも全体的に低かったが、身体機能(PF)は極端に低かった。各項目との関連では、趣味を持つ者は活力が、職業を有する者は心の健康が高かった。栄養のバランスに気をつける者は、身体機能(PF)心の健康(MH)が高かった。栄養管理はQOLの面からも重要であることが示唆された。|The purpose of this study is to identify from standpoint of QOL about self care and social support of the patients with chronic respiratory who are under home medical care living in isolated islands, and to obtain supportive data for home medical care. For our survey, we took the methods of questionnaire and hearing. Results and Conclusion: Subjects were 27 patients with chronic respiratory disease; 17 male(63.0%) and 10 female(37.0%), whose average age was 76.4 years old. 80 percent of them were doing home oxygen therapy (HOT) and they had symptoms with sputum and dyspnea. Half of them were taking water for sputum , 74.1% of them would take rest when they had dyspnea. However, not many of them treated with respiratory rehabilitation. Their replies on home self care control were that “They can take medicine by themselves”, 66.7% of them said that “They take meal without concern about nourishment”, and 55.6% of them replied that “They seldom take a walk outside. And well below 50 percent of them were not conscious about preventing infectious disease such as cold. Concerning the supporting people at home, many of them were family members (92.6%), followed by relatives (37.0%). Concerning the support of the specialist such as home helper and care manager were outstanding, followed by nurses and doctors. The QOL of chronic respiratory disease were, on the whole, low, and also physical function was extremely low. As a whole, those who had hobbies were full of vitality, and those who had occupation showed good mental health. The people who were concerned about the balance of nutrition scored high in physical function, physical role function, and mental health. It was suggested that nutritional management was significant from the aspect of QOL for the patients with chronic respiratory disease. |