Shinki bunpisei C1q famiri bunshi ni yoru kinoteki shinapusu kairo keisei oyobi kioku gakushu seigyo

Jazyk: japonština
Rok vydání: 2016
Zdroj: 科学研究費補助金研究成果報告書.
Popis: 神経細胞どうしをつなぐ「シナプス」の形態および機能を制御する分子機構の解明は, 「記憶」の形成過程を理解する上で重要である。本研究において, 私たちは補体C1qの機能ドメインを有する新規C1qファミリー分子群が, 小脳や海馬の興奮性シナプスを動的に制御していることを明らかにした(Elegheert, Kakegawa et al., Science, '16 ; Matsuda et al., Neuron, '16 ; Kakegawa et al., Neuron, '15)。そのため, 本成果は記憶を担う中枢シナプスの普遍的かつ新しい形成・動作原理を理解するうえで有益な情報を提供しうる。 It has been recently considered that synapses, which connect between neurons, are a basic element for the learning and memory. Therefore, to elucidate how synapses are formed and behave in vivo is a very important issue for understanding the process of learning and memory. In this study, we found that novel C1q-family proteins, which have a functional domain conserved in the C1q complement in immune system, regulate dynamically synapse morphology, functions and the localization of the synaptic proteins in the cerebellum and hippocampus (Elegheert, Kakegawa et al., Science, '16 ; Matsuda et al., Neuron, '16 ; Kakegawa et al., Neuron, '15). Interestingly, as C1q-family proteins are widely expressed in various brain regions throughout life, our findings may provide useful information to understand general and novel mechanisms for the synaptic integrity in the CNS.
研究種目 : 基盤研究(B)(一般) 研究期間 : 2014~2016 課題番号 : 26293042 研究分野 : 神経生理学
Databáze: OpenAIRE