ニホン ダンタイ ニ サンスル スウシュ ノ キョウミ アル イグチルイ ニ ツイテ

Autor: Hongo, Tsuguo
Jazyk: angličtina
Rok vydání: 1984
Zdroj: 滋賀大学教育学部紀要, 自然科学. 34:29-32
ISSN: 0488-6291
Popis: Among boletes occurring in the warm-temperate zone of Japan, the following species are particularly interesting from a geomycological standpoint, because they have distribution areas from Japan to Southeast Asia, Australasia, and at times even to tropical Africa, or have corresponding species within these areas : Phylloporus bellus, Pulveroboletus viridis, Aureoboletus thibetanus, Boletus laetissimus, Tylopilus virens, T. nigropurpureus, T. nigerrimus, T. valens, Austroboletus subvirens, Boletellus obscurecoccineus, and Heimiella japonica.
Databáze: OpenAIRE