包括的廃棄物管理システム開発のための知識基盤; 日米原子力エネルギー共同行動計画廃棄物管理ワーキンググループフェーズI報告書(共同研究)

Autor: Nutt, M., Peters, M., Bresee, J., Lesica, S., Schwab, P., Gomberg, S., Jones, J., Halsey, B., Marra, J., Vienna, J., Gombert, D., McMahon, K., James, S. C., Caporuscio, F.
Jazyk: angličtina
Rok vydání: 2010
Zdroj: JAEA-Research 2010-015. :1-106
Popis: This report summarizes the activity of Phase I of Waste Management Working Group of the United States - Japan Joint Nuclear Energy Action Plan started in 2007. The working group focused on consolidation of the existing technical basis between the U.S. and Japan and the joint development of a plan for future collaborative activities. Firstly, the political/regulatory frameworks related to nuclear fuel cycles in both countries were reviewed. The various advanced fuel cycle scenarios in both countries were surveyed and summarized. Secondly, the waste management/disposal system optimization was discussed. Repository system concepts for the various classifications of nuclear waste were reviewed and summarized, then disposal system optimization processes and techniques were reviewed, and factors to consider in future repository design optimization activities were also discussed. Finally the potential collaboration areas and activities related to the optimization problem were extracted.
著者所属: 日本原子力研究開発機構(JAEA)
Databáze: OpenAIRE