Investigation of the Relationship Between Preoperative Serum Interleukin-6 Level and Clinical Characteristics Including Systemic Inflammation Response in Colorectal Cancer Patients Undergoing Surgery

Autor: Shimizu, Takayuki, Ishizuka, Mitsuru, Takagi, Kazutoshi, Iwasaki, Yoshimi, Shibuya, Norisuke, Genki, Tanaka, Yusuke, Nishi, Taku, Aoki, Keiichi, Kubota
Jazyk: japonština
Rok vydání: 2018
Zdroj: Dokkyo Journal of Medical Sciences. 45(3):127-133
ISSN: 0385-5023
Popis: 背景:全身性炎症反応は担癌患者における免疫応答を反映し,予後と関連することが報告されている.目的:血清インターロイキン6(IL-6)と臨床背景因子,とりわけ全身炎症性反応との関連について大腸癌患者を対象として検討すること.方法:大腸癌患者20 人の術前IL-6 濃度を測定し,L 群(低IL-6 群,11 人;IL-6<10 pg/ml)とH 群(高IL-6 群,9 人;IL-6 ≥ 10 pg/ml)の2 群に分けて臨床背景因子との関連について検討した.結果:血清C-reactive protein(CRP)値>1.0 mg/dl(P=0.038),血沈;9±7 versus 31±24(mm/ hr , P=0.031)が2 群間で有意差を認めたが,血小板数・血清アルブミン値・Glasgow Prognostic Score・好中球リンパ比に2 群間で有意差は認めなかった.2 群間の生存曲線による解析は,H 群はL 群に比べて予後不良の傾向を認めたが,統計学的な有意差は認められなかった.結論:高IL-6 血症は大腸癌術前患者における高CRP 値,血沈の亢進といった全身性炎症反応と相関し,予後との関連を示唆するものであった.
Purpose:To investigate the relationship between preoperative serum interleukin-6(IL-6)level and clinical characteristics, including systemic inflammatory response(SIR)related characteristics, in colorectal cancer(CRC)patients undergoing surgery. Patients and methods:Twenty CRC patients who had undergone curative surgery were divided into two groups as follows:Group A(n=9);patients with low serum IL-6 level(<10 pg/ml)and Group B(n=11);patients with high serum IL-6 level(≥ 10 pg/ml). Chi squared test and Mann-Whitney test were performed to compare the clinical characteristics of two groups. Kaplan-Meier analysis and log rank test were used to compare the two groups in relation to overall survival. Results:Among a lot of clinical characteristics, there were significant differences between the two groups in serum C-reactive protein(CRP)level(0.2±0.1 versus 2.9 ±4.9 mg/dl, mean± SD, P=0.016)and erythrocyte sedimentation rate(ESR)(9±7 versus 31±24 mm/hr, mean ± SD, P=0.031). However, there was no significant difference between the two groups in overall survival. Conclusion:There is a close relationship between preoperative serum IL-6 level and SIR related clinical characteristics such as serum CRP level and ESR in CRC patients.
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