Studies on Perception of Moonlight in the Golden Rabbitfish, a Lunar-synchronized Spawner

Autor: Takemura, Akihiro
Jazyk: angličtina
Rok vydání: 2004
Popis: 平成14年度~平成15年度科学研究費補助金(基盤研究(C))研究成果報告書
研究概要:Rabbitfishes are known to spawn synchronously around the species-specific lunar phase. It is considered that they perceive and utilize cues from the moon in order to be synchronized gonadal development and spawning with the lunar-cycle. Using the golden rabbitfish, Siganus guttatus, which spawns synchronously around the first quarter moon during the reproductive season, we measured the fluctuation of melatonin levels and examined the response of the fish to moonlight intensity. Daily fluctuations of melatonin concentration in the blood of golden rabbitfish showed low levels during daytime and high levels during night-time, suggesting that melatonin fluctuation in the perception and utilization of photoperiod. Plasma melatonin concentration at the new moon was higher than that at the full moon. When the fish were exposed to moonlight at midnight of the both moon phases, the melatonin concentrations decreased to the control levels. These results show that the fish possibly perceive moonlight intensity and plasma melatonin fluctuates according to 'lightness' at a point of night. At the first spawning period(experiment was started one month before the spawning), the fish reared under the constant darkness and lightness of nigh did not spawn. At the second spawning period(experiment was started 2 weeks before the spawning), the fish reared under the conditions of natural and constant darkness of night spawned but not that of constant lightness of night. It is possible that night conditions are related to synchronous gonadal development and spawning in the golden rabbitfish.
Databáze: OpenAIRE