Measurement of Plasma Temperature and Electron Density

Autor: MURAKAWA, Kiyoshi, HASHIMOTO, Shizuyo
Jazyk: japonština
Rok vydání: 1963
Zdroj: 東京大学航空研究所集報. 3(6A):319-332
ISSN: 0563-8097
Popis: 約1mm Hgの気圧のネオンを含む水晶毛細管に火花放電を通してプラズマを生ぜしめ,Ne III λ2590,Ne II λ3713およびNe I λ6096のプロフィルをFabry-Perotのエタロンでしらべた.これらの3本の線はいづれも二次のシュタルク効果を示すものである.λ2590とλ3713のプロフィルはほとんど対称的であるので,イオンの電場および電子の衝突の影響は無視できる,すなわち線のひろがりはドップラー効果だけによるものであると考えられる.λ6096は非対称のひろがりを示し,長い波長の側に強く尾を引くことがわかった.この尾を引くことはHoltsmarkの型のイオンの電場によるもので,このほかに電子の影響とドップラー効果とが一緒になって線をひろがせるものであると仮定した.ここでしらべたプロフィルは瞬間撮影ではなく,時間的に積分したものであった.λ2590,λ3713およびλ6096のプロフィルからそれぞれ1.0_4×10^5,9.3×10^4,3.6×10^4°Kなる温度を得た.この実験と同時にホトマルの瞬間的出力をしらべて,これと上記の温度とを組み合わせて,時間の関数としてのプラズマの温度を定性的に導き出した.Ne I λ6096から平均的電子温度7.7×10^/cm^3を得た.
Plasma was produced by passing condensed discharge through a capillary tube which was made of quartz and which contained neon of about 1mm Hg pressure. The profiles of the lines Ne III λ2590, Ne II λ3713 and Ne I λ6096 were examined with a Fabry-Perot etalon. These three lines show quadratic Stark effect. The profiles of λ2590 and λ3713 were found to be nearly symmetrical, so the effect of the ionic and electron field was assumed to be negligible, namely the broadening was assumed to be due solely to Doppler effect. The line λ6096 was found to be unsymmetrically broadened, being degraded more strongly to the longer wave-length side. This was interpreted to be due to the ionic field effect (of Holtsmark type) as well as the electron effect (Lorentz type) and the Doppler effect. The profiles studied here were time-integrated ones. From the profiles of the lines λ2590, λ3713 and λ6096 the mean plasma temperature 1.0_4×10^5, 9.3×10^4 and 3.6×10^4°K respectively was deduced. At the same time the time-resolved output of the photomultiplier was studied, and the plasma temperature as a function of time was qualitatively deduced. From Ne I λ6096 the mean electron density 7.7×10^/cm^3 was obtained.
資料番号: SA4135042000
Databáze: OpenAIRE