End-stage chronic renal failure in patients treated by antireflux operation

Autor: Tokunaga, Shuji, Ohkawa, Mitsuo, Yamamoto, Hidekazu, Komatsu, Kazuto, Mihara, Shinya, Nakashima, Takao, Nagano, Ken-ichi, Uchibayashi, Tadao, Naito, Katsusuke, Hisazumi, Haruo
Jazyk: japonština
Rok vydání: 1991
Zdroj: 泌尿器科紀要. 37(12):1707-1710
ISSN: 0018-1994
Popis: 全例逆流性腎症によると考えられる蛋白尿を術前から有していた.1例ではPaquin法, 2例ではPolitano-Leadbetter法が施行されていた.腎機能の急速な悪化は, 全例で思春期以降で, 2症例では初診時すでにsmall kidneyが認められていた
We report 3 patients progressed to end-stage chronic renal failure after antireflux surgery. Preoperatively, the 3 patients had proteinuria, probably due to reflux nephropathy. Surgical procedures used were Paquin's method in 1 patient and Politano-Leadbetter's method in 2. Rapid deterioration of renal function was observed from puberty in all patients. In addition, renal hypoplasia was suspected in 2 patients. We concluded that both reflux nephropathy and renal hypoplasia played important roles in the progression of renal insufficiency.
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