Assessment of Palatal Fistula Repair Using a Conchal Cartilage Graft

Autor: Taira, Tatsuzo, Sawada, Masaki, Matsumoto, K Akiko, Yamawaki, Yoshio, Kurohara, Masato, Isshiki, Nobuhiko, Hanawa, Tomoko, Kawano, Michio
Jazyk: angličtina
Rok vydání: 1992
Zdroj: 音声科学研究. 26:42-48
ISSN: 0300-1067
Popis: The result of Palatal fistula repair surgery in thirteen patients were assessed. In the present study all of the conchal cartilage implants produced results that were fair or good. The result of using cartilage is satisfactory compared to our previous study. The Usefullenss and advantages of conchal cartilage graft for repair of palatal fistula were discussed. The success of this operation summarized as follows, : 1) Excision of an adequately large conchal cartilage with perichondrium, 2) Air tight shield fixation, 3) Through to Through mattress suturing, 4) Covering the implanted cartilage.
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