Effects of Basic Nursing Practice II on Sympathetic Attitudes and Professional Identity of Nursing Students

Autor: Endo, Kyoko, Yonezawa, Hiroe, Ishiwata, Keiko, Satoh, Yoshiko, Suzuki, Akemi
Jazyk: japonština
Rok vydání: 2011
Zdroj: 獨協医科大学看護学部紀要 = Bulletin of Dokkyo Medical University School of Nursing. 4:19-31
ISSN: 1883-0005
Popis: 本研究は,基礎看護学実習Ⅱが看護学生の思いやり行動と職業的アイデンティティに及ぼす影響について明らかにすることを目的とした. A大学看護学部2年生96人を対象に,基礎看護学実習Ⅱ前後に自記式質問紙調査を行った.実習前62人(回収率64.6%),実習後71人(74.7%)のうち,62人(有効回答率実習前100%,実習後87.3%)を分析対象とした.調査には,尾原による思いやり行動評価尺度と藤井らによる職業的アイデンティティ尺度を用いた.分析には統計解析ソフトSPSS Ver.19.for Win. を用い,Wilcoxon の符号付順位和検定とSpearman の順位相関係数をみた. 結果は,男性1人(1.6%),女性61人(98.4%)で,平均年齢19.9 ± 0.3(SD)歳であった.看護師になることへの迷いでは,ある者が実習前33人(53.3%),実習後33人(53.2%)で変化はみられなかった.将来の希望職種では,看護師が実習前53人(65.5%),実習後51人(56.8%)で最も多かった.思いやり行動評価については,最も得点が高かったのは<相手の態度表情を読み取る>実習前平均3.8± 0.7 点,実習後平均3.8 ± 0.7 点であり,最も得点が低かったのは<相手の気持ちを察する>実習前平均3.5 ± 0.5 点,実習後平均3.4 ± 0.7 点であった.実習前後では,思いやり行動の得点に違いがなく有意差もみられなかった.職業的アイデンティティについては,実習前後ともに最も得点が高かったのは<社会への貢献の志向>で,実習前平均5.2 ± 0.9 点,実習後平均4.8 ± 1.4 点であり,有意(p
The purpose of this research was to clarify the effect of basic nursing practice Ⅱ on thesympathetic attitudes and professional identity of nursing students. A self-report questionnaire survey was conducted on 96 students at A Medical University School of Nursing before and after basic nursing training Ⅱ. I assumed 62 people (eff ective answer before training 100% , after training87.3% ) among 62 people before training (response rate 64.6% ) and 71 people after training (74.7% ). The sympathetic attitude scale of Ohara and professional identity scale of Fujii were used. The statistical analysis software SPSS Ver.19.for Win. was employel for analysis along with the rank sum test of Wilcoxon and correlation coefficient of Pearson. As a result, there were 1 male (1.6% ) and 61 women (98.4% ) subjects, and the average age was 19.9 ± 0.3 (SD). 26 (41.9% ) people hesitated about becoming a nurse before training and 25 people (40.3 % ) after it. The type of employment most hoped for was nursing before training among 51 people (56.8 % ) and after training among 53 people (65.5 % ). “Being considerate of others,”which scored highest, was 3.8 ± 0.7 before training and 3.8 ± 0.7 points after training. This meant “being Sensitive to the other's feelings .” The lowest score training was 3.4 ± 0.7 points and after training 3.5±0.5 points, with regard to“ respect for the other's feelings.” No significant difference was noted before and after training in considerate behavior. The highest scores were for professional identity before (5.2 ± 0.9) and after training (4.8 ± 1.4),in terms of “contributing to society.”It was “self-confidence about what was needed as a nurse” which scored lowest before training (4.3 ± 1.1),“the choice of the nurse and confidence in growth” was 4.3 ± 1.3 points, and “self-confidence in what was needed as a nurse” after training. The “intention to contribute to society” (p
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