The right of supported decision-making for people who lack mental Capacity : a case of consent to the medical act by adult guardian

Autor: Yasuhisa, Orihara
Jazyk: japonština
Rok vydání: 2020
Zdroj: 同志社法學 = The Doshisha Hogaku (The Doshisha law review). 72(4):1251-1274
ISSN: 0387-7612
Popis: 判断能力が不十分な人に対する成年後見人による医療同意と意思決定支援について、憲法上の観点から論じた。成年後見制度の概要と、成年後見制度と医療同意権の関係、また意思決定支援に関わる法制度として、障害者権利条約と日本法における近年の動向について概観した。そして憲法上の人権と意思決定支援について、判断能力が不十分な人と意思決定支援をめぐる憲法上の論点について論じたのちに、英国MCA2005について紹介した。
In this paper, I discuss the medical consent and supported decision-making by adult guardians for people who lack mental capacity from a constitutional point of view. First, I give an overview of the adult guardianship system, the relationship between the adult guardianship system and the medical consent. Second, I outline recent arguments about the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities and Japanese law as a legal system related to supported decision-making. Third, I overview constitutional issues and supported decision-making for people who lack mental capacity. Fourth, I annualized the Mental Capacity Act 2005 of UK.
故竹中勲教授追悼号 II
In memory of the late Professor Isao Takenaka II
Databáze: OpenAIRE