Results of the FD/SD Questionnaire on Study and Employment Support for University Students with Developmental Disabilities

Jazyk: japonština
Rok vydání: 2022
Zdroj: 札幌学院大学総合研究所紀要 = Proceedings of the Research institute of Sapporo Gakuin University. 9:3-10
ISSN: 2188-4897
Popis: 札幌学院大学における発達障害を含む多様な学生支援の拡充に向け,全教職員を対象に「令和3年度発達障がいのある学生への教育支援FD/SD研修会」を実施した.本稿の目的は,参加者向け事後アンケートの結果から本研修会が発達障害学生支援に関して教職員に与えた効果を評価し,今後の学内研修の展開を示すことである.オンラインで実施された研修会終了後に参加者(132名)に事後アンケート(WEB)への回答を求め,71名の教職員が回答した.事後アンケートの結果,全教職員を対象としたことが多様な学生に対する支援に向けた全学的な理解啓発に寄与したことが推察された.また研修会参加前と比較し,参加後の方が発達障害学生支援に関する知識について参加者の自信が高まり,本研修会が発達障害学生支援に関する基礎的な知識提供の場として機能した可能性が示された.一方で発達障害学生支援に関する知識に一定程度自信がある場合でも実際の学生対応には自信がない教職員の存在もうかがえ,今後の学内研修会では知識を実際の支援の場に結び付けるための工夫が必要であると考えられた. The ‘FY2021 FD/SD Workshop on Educational Support for Students with Developmental Disabilities’ was held for all faculty and staff to expand support for students, specifically those with developmental disabilities, at Sapporo Gakuin University. This paper aims to evaluate the effect of the FD/SD workshop on faculty and staff. It also provides recommendations for the future development of training within the university. After the workshop, participants were asked to fill up a web-based questionnaire. Seventy-one faculty members provided a response. Based on their responses, it was inferred that targeting all faculty and staff could contribute to university-wide understanding and awareness of the need for supporting students with diverse needs. The participants were also more confident about their knowledge of supports for students with developmental disabilities at the end of the workshop than at the beginning, indicating that the workshop may have functioned as a space for providing basic knowledge on the subject. Still, there were some faculty members who were confident in their knowledge of supports for students with developmental disabilities but not about the actual supports that could be provided to such students.
Databáze: OpenAIRE