
Autor: Kudo, Kyoko, Sasaki, Yoko
Jazyk: japonština
Rok vydání: 2011
Zdroj: 北海道文教大学研究紀要. (35):75-84
Popis: 本研究は、「保育士の保育活動による身体的苦痛の実態を明確にする事」を目的とし、北海道内11か所の保育園・保育所の女性保育士及びH短期大学卒業生の女性保育士計114名を対象に質問紙調査を行った。回収数(回収率)は72名(63.2%)であった。その結果、1.身体的苦痛で訴えが最も多いのは「腰痛」71.9%、次いで「肩こり」70.2%であった。2.苦痛の原因となる保育施設・設備は「保育室」「乳児室」「トイレ」「手洗い場」に、保育活動は「抱っこ」「立位・座位の繰り返し」「前かがみ」「中腰」に集中していた。3.整形外科疾患の既往「あり」の者に有意に腰痛が多かった(p=0.0016)。4.3歳未満児を受け持つ保育士は、「腰痛」(p=0.0084)「目の疲れ」p=0.0420)「膝関節痛」(p=0.0014)「頭痛」(p=0.0433)「腕の痛み」(p=0.0018)を訴える者が有意に多かった。以上の事から、身体的苦痛に対して、保育施設・設備における保育活動に着目しながら細かく観察し、特に3歳未満児を受け持つ保育士に対し、受け持ちクラスの配置転換も含めた予防対策が重要である事が示唆された。
The goal of this study is to 'determine the actual conditions of physical pain experienced by nursery teachers because of their nursing activities'. For this purpose, a questionnaire survey was conducted among 114 female nursery teachers who are working at 11 nursery schools/day-care centres in Hokkaido or have graduated from H Junior College. The response rate was 63.2% (72 of 114). The results of the survey are as follows: 1. Most common physical pain is 'backache' (71.9%), followed by 'stiff shoulders' (70.2%).2. Nursery facilities causing physical pain are mainly the 'nursery room', 'infant-care room', 'lavatory' and 'hand-wash station', while the nursery activities associated with such pains were 'holding a child', 'repetition of sitting and standing', 'stooping' and 'half sitting position'.3. 'Backache' was significant (p = 0.1116) among nurses having a history of orthopaedic diseases.4. 'Backache' (p = 0.0084), 'eyestrain' (p = 0.0420), 'knee joint pain' (p = 0.0014), 'headache' (p = 0.0433) and 'arm pain' (p = 0.0018) were significant among nursery teachers in charge of children under 3 years. Based on these findings, it is suggested that with respect to physical pain, a careful observation on the nursery activities at nursery facilities as well as preventive measures that include job rotation of assigned classes, especially for nursery teachers in charge of children under 3, are important.
Databáze: OpenAIRE