How Is the 'Okinawa Memorial Day' Coverage Constructed? From the Analysis of the Newspapers of June 24, 2018

Jazyk: japonština
Rok vydání: 2022
Zdroj: 大阪教育大学紀要. 人文社会科学・自然科学. 70:121-136
ISSN: 2432-9622
Popis: 本研究は、読者の視点から2018年6月23日の沖縄「慰霊の日」関連記事を全国紙、『琉球新報』『沖縄タイムス』の沖縄2紙、地方紙を対象に量的側面から把握し、沖縄2紙に登場する「市民の声」を質的に分析した。量的側面では、沖縄2紙は他の新聞より突出して記事数が多く、沖縄2紙が特に「市民の声」に重点を置いて構成する傾向がわかった。「市民の声」の質的分析では沖縄2紙も全国紙も、「継承」「鎮魂」「戦争反対」「平和希求」を語る「声」が多く、戦争に関わる男女のイメージのステレオタイプにも類似が見られた。全国紙では沖縄2紙に見られる「加害」の言説、基地問題や憲法、政権批判について語る「声」はほとんどない。沖縄2紙には、沖縄の現状をアジア太平洋戦争での沖縄の体験とのつながりにおいて語る市民像が提示されている。メディアによって構成された「現実」をクリティカルに読み解き、自分の認識との関係性を考えることで、自律的に情報と関わることにつながる。
This study examines the national newspapers, local newspapers including two Okinawan newspapers ("Ryukyu Shinpo" and " Okinawa Times") and other types of papers that reported on Okinawa Memorial Day on July 23, 2018. Firstly, we conducted research into the difference between the coverage of the Okinawan papers and other papers' coverage, quantitatively. It was shown that the quantity of the articles of the two Okinawan newspapers related to the Memorial Day was prominently more than that of the rest of other papers, and the two papers' spaces were constructed focusing on "citizen's voices". Secondly, a qualitative analysis of "citizens' voices" showed that both the two Okinawan papers and the national papers had many "voices" that referred to "inheritance", "repose of souls", "opposition to war", and "desire for peace", while the national papers had few "voices" that alluded to the issues related to the US military base, the Constitution, or criticism of the government and no discourse as "a perpetrator of the war " as seen in the two Okinawan papers. It is figured out that the two papers represented the image of citizens who talked about the current situation in Okinawa in relation to the Okinawan experiences in the Asia-Pacific War. We can "read and write" the information autonomously by interpreting the "reality" constructed by the media critically and examining the relationship between the media and our consciousnesses.
Databáze: OpenAIRE