The Manuscripts of Yang Hui Suanfa by Seki Takakazu and Kept at Yonsei University Collection

Jazyk: japonština
Rok vydání: 2021
Zdroj: 大阪教育大学紀要. 人文社会科学・自然科学. 69:41-51
ISSN: 2432-9622
Popis: 『楊輝算法』(楊輝、1275年)は、内容の発達性からみると、「近世」とも呼べる算法書である。スピーディーな計算から、商業数学に重宝され、朝鮮の李王朝でも採用された。日本に伝来すると、『楊輝算法』は、魔法陣、中国剰余定理、さらには天元術の名称はなかったものの高次方程式の解き方を学ぶたすけとなった。関孝和(1645?-1708)は、1661年に木活字版を研究し、その乱丁部分を訂正した。しかし、これまでに木活字版は8部しかなく、17世紀の修正であることはこれまでも考えられてきたが、それが本研究により、より正確に1661年であることが分かり、関が16歳ぐらいのときであった。
The Yang Hui Suanfa is one of the most important mathematical arts in pre-modern age (from the 13th century to the 19th century) in Eastern Asia. Because the Yang Hui Suanfa had new direction of the mathematics in Eastern Asia, that is to say, speedy calculations for commercial trade, therefore it became the textbook in the Yi dynasty (1392-1910) in Korea. Japanese mathematicians also helped to study the Yang Hui Suanfa and studied magic squares, indeterminate equations and the solving method of higher degree equations although the Yang Hui Suanfa did not describe the establish method of higher degree equations, that is, the Tianyuan-shu method. Seki Takakazu (1645?-1708) also studied the Yang Hui Suanfa in boyhood and hand-copied it in 1661 by the wood printed version in Korea probably. The best version of Yang Hui Suanfa is the wood printed version in Korea and 8 books of Yang Hui Suanfa are kept in Japan, Taiwan and Korea. But Korean version has some mistakes, and Seki Takakazu corrected them. Some opinions said that there were corrected versions in the 17th century. We had the wood printed version and the manuscript of Yang Hui Suanfa at the Yonsei University, Korea. And we found that the corrected points are not the same as Seki Takakazu's ones. Therefore we conclude that 16 years old boy of Seki Takakazu corrected mistakes by his own mathematical ability.
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