
Autor: Isshiki, Yutaka, Nakahiro, Yoshio
Jazyk: japonština
Rok vydání: 1978
Zdroj: 香川大学農学部学術報告. 29(2):211-218
ISSN: 0368-5128
Popis: application/pdf
The present experiments were carried out to investigate the role of ceca of chickens in the digestion of nutrients, using 4-month-old cockerels of single comb White Leghorn. The results obtained were summarized as follows. 1) There was no significant difference in the digestibility of nutrients between ceca of ligated and non-ligated chickens when they were fed on various diets, such as a conventional diet, conventional diet added 20% of ground rice hull and conventional diet added 10-20% of ground ladino clover hay. 2) The digestibility of nutrients was significantly higher in chickens fed the heated soybean meal diet than that of chickens fed the diet containing raw soybean meal, and no significant difference was observed in the digestibility of nutrients between ceca of ligated and non-ligated chickens. 3) When the chickens were given the conventional diet and conventional diet added 10% of pulp, no obvious difference in the digestibility of nutrients was observed between ceca of removed and non-removed chickens. 4) The digestibility of nutrients in the chickens severed the cecal main vessels or neurectomized of ceca was similar to that of the control chickens when they were fed on the conventional diet.
盲腸が飼料の一般成分の消化率にどの程度関与しているかを調べる目的で, 4か月齢の単冠白色レグホーン種の雄を用い, 盲腸機能を阻止する手術方法, 給与飼料を変えて実験を行い次の結果を得た. 1) 盲腸の片側および両側を結紮した鶏に対して慣用の配合飼料とそれにモミガラ粉末20%, ラジノクローバー乾燥粉末10%および20%添加した飼料を給与し, 消化率を測定した結果, 擬似手術鶏の消化率との間に差はみられなかった. 2) 生大豆粕および熱処理大豆粕の半精製飼料を強制給与した結果, 熱処理大豆粕は生大豆粕よりも消化率は向上したが, 盲腸結紮による差はみられなかった. 3) 盲腸の切除程度が飼料の消化率に及ぼす影響を調べる目的で盲腸尖部, 盲腸体の2/3および盲腸起始部をそれぞれ切除および切断した鶏に慣用の配合飼料とそれにパルプ粉末10%を添加した飼料を給与し, 消化率を測定した結果, 擬似手術鶏との間にはどの成分も差がみられなかった. 4) 盲腸に通じる血管と神経の切断, 神経のみの切断, 盲腸切除, 盲腸結紮など盲腸機能を阻止する方法および程度を変えた鶏に慣用の配合飼料を給与し, 消化率を測定した結果, 擬似手術鶏との間に差はみられなかった.
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