Study of cracks propagation inside the steel on press hardened steel zinc based coatings

Autor: Drillet, P., Grigorieva, R., Leuillier, G., Vietoris, T.
Jazyk: angličtina
Rok vydání: 2013
Zdroj: La Metallurgia Italiana; Issue 1, 2012
ISSN: 0026-0843
Popis: Al-Si coating is the most suitable solution for main Hot-Forming applications, particularly in terms of processwindow for the hot stampers and in perforating corrosion resistance after austenitization. But for some specificcases, a few customers require galvanic edge protection. So, in order to satisfy this requirement zinc basedcoatings were developed for Hot-Forming.On these Zn based coatings a full microstructural characterization was carried out on the coating influence onthe steel/coating interface during the hot stamping. It appears that some cracks propagation is alwaysobserved inside the steel with Zn based coatings. Two separate cases corresponding to two mechanisms have tobe distinguished: Macro and Micro-cracks. The MACRO-cracks propagation is related to a liquid zincpenetration inside the previous austenitic steel grains boundaries. This is encountered for areas showing ahigh level of tensile stress with remaining liquid Fe-Zn phases in the coating during the deformation. Thus, acold deformation is a preliminary step for GI coating. The MICRO-cracks propagation is related to a frictionissue between the coating surface and the tools at high temperature. The higher micro-cracks density isconsequently observed on areas more sensitive to friction. The phases inside the steel responsible for thispropagation have been identified. Some solutions to avoid these phenomena are proposed, particularly in thecase of the micro-cracks for Direct Hot-Forming applications (GA coatings).
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