Off gas preparation for vacuum pumps

Autor: Burgmann, W., Davené, J., Laffitte, J.
Jazyk: angličtina
Rok vydání: 2014
Zdroj: La Metallurgia Italiana; Issue 11-12, 2013
ISSN: 0026-0843
Popis: Vacuum steel degassing plants generate off-gases that are hot, dangerous and dust laden.Therefore they must be cooled down, post-combusted or conveyed in a safe manner and filtered in order toprotect the vacuum pumps and the environment.A risk analysis is necessary for all kinds of vacuum plant regardless the pump system used.This analysis defines the hazard zones and the necessary means to avoid such hazards or a hazard compliantequipment to be installed. The handling of moisture and the protection against the associated corrosion effectsare a concern for the dust filters and the vacuum pumps.The dust load requires special means of erosion protection. The dust abatement and dust extraction fromthe various gears must be compliant with the dangers of impact by high speed particles, of dust ignition andof aqueous condensates. 50 % of the dust is in a range of 0,2 to 1,5 ?m and thus a challenge for filters thatcombine a high filtering efficiency with a low pressure drop.All necessary gears in the connection between vacuum pump and metallurgical reaction vessel, that areinstalled for post-combustion, gas cooling and dust abatement as well as suction duct with all its bows generatepressure losses that could only be compensated by an increased pump capacity. Since this is an importantinvestment and generates higher operation cost one is tempted to take means to reduce such losses. However,this might again require higher pump down capacities. A detailed study involving all parameters is thereforerecommended in order to evaluate the various measures to be taken.
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