An Unworkable Solution for a Non-Existent Problem: A Reply to Professor Calvert

Autor: Loewy, Arnold H.
Rok vydání: 2005
Zdroj: IndraStra Global.
ISSN: 2381-3652
Popis: Professor Clay Calvert has argued that Americans' faith in journalists has reached such a low point that there is a compelling need to take extraordinary reparative measures.) His solutions are to: (1) require each daily newspaper to explain its choice of stories by a weekly addition to its editorial page or its web page; (2) require each newspaper reporter to disclose his or her political affiliation; and (3) limit the number of newspapers that can be owned by any one entity. One of Professor Calvert's goals "is to provoke discussion ... explain[ing] why… the measures set forth in the proposed 'Newspaper Credibility Enhancement Act' should not be adopted. He can consider this my acceptance of the invitation. My short answer, discussed in the pages that follow, is that: (1) the system is not broken, and (2) if it were, the Calvert proposals would not fix it.
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