Традиции и инновации в народном календаре алтайцев в конце XX - начале XXI вв

Jazyk: ruština
Rok vydání: 2015
Zdroj: Studia Culturae; № 18 (2013); 185-194
ISSN: 2225-3211
Popis: The article describes some specific features of the traditional Altaian calendar. It is noted that the system of chronology accepted in the Altaian culture was founded on the periodicity of the solar and lunar cycles. The Altaian calendar belongs to the Central Asian calendars which were based on the 12-year cycle represented by the names of animals. In spite of the calendar’s being a relatively constant cultural constituent there have occurred some changes dealt with the Altaian system of chronology. However, the primordial cultural and world-view meaning has been preserved both in the names of the month and in the practice of personalizing the years of the calendar cycle. This makes it obvious that the traditional ideology is still actual for the modern Altaian culture. The author concludes that it is necessary to study the traditional ritualism and mythological views fixed in the folk calendar so that the Altaian culture could develop steadily.
В статье рассматриваются особенности традиционного алтайского календаря. Отмечается, что в алтайской культуре исчисление времени основывалось на периодичности движения таких небесных тел, как Солнце, Луна, группы звезд. Алтайский календарь относится к центрально-азиатским календарям, в которых летоисчисление велось на основании 12-летнего цикла, представленного названиями животных. Несмотря на то, что календарь является относительно постоянной культурной составляющей, определенные трансформации произошли и с ним. Однако и в названии месяцев, и в персонализации годов календарного цикла сохранилось изначальное культурно-мировоззренческое содержание, которое оказывается ценным и для современности. Автор приходит к выводу, что изучение традиционной обрядности и мифологических представлений, отраженных в календаре, необходимо для поступательного развития алтайской культуры.Ключевые слова: народный календарь алтайцев, центрально-азиатские календари, календарная обрядность, праздник.Traditions and innovations in the folk calendar of Altai people at the end of the 20th and at the beginning of the 21st centuriesThe article describes some specific features of the traditional Altaian calendar. It is noted that the system of chronology accepted in the Altaian culture was founded on the periodicity of the solar and lunar cycles. The Altaian calendar belongs to the Central Asian calendars which were based on the 12-year cycle represented by the names of animals. In spite of the calendar’s being a relatively constant cultural constituent there have occurred some changes dealt with the Altaian system of chronology. However, the primordial cultural and world-view meaning has been preserved both in the names of the month and in the practice of personalizing the years of the calendar cycle. This makes it obvious that the traditional ideology is still actual for the modern Altaian culture. The author concludes that it is necessary to study the traditional ritualism and mythological views fixed in the folk calendar so that the Altaian culture could develop steadily.Keywords: Altaian folk calendar, Central Asian calendars, calendar ritualism, holiday.
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