Sustainability of backery products with high moisture content with the addition of medicinal and spicy herbs

Rok vydání: 2021
Popis: Predmet doktorske disertacije obuhvata ispitivanje uticaja etarskih ulja lekovitih i začinskih biljaka (mente, kima i ruzmarina) na rast plesni izolovanih iz različitih žitarica i njihovih mlinskih proizvoda, kao i na mikrobiološku ispravnost i održivost testanih kora sa dodatkom 10% integralnog pšeničnog, heljdinog kukuruznog brašna.Utvrđen je stepen kontaminacije plesnima pšenice, heljde i kukuruza, pšeničnog brašna tip 500, pšeničnog integralnog brašna, heljdinog integralnog brašna i kukuruznog integralnog brašna koja su korišćena za proizvodnju testanih kora. Iz uzoraka pšenice, kukuruza i heljde najčešće su izolovane plesni iz roda Fusarium (100%), zatim iz roda Alternaria, Cladosporium i Penicillium (67%) i roda Aspergillus, Rhizopus i Scopulariopsis (33%). Najveću rasprostranjenost u brašnima žitarica imao je rod Penicillium (100%), zatim Aspergillus, Cladosporium i Fusarium (75%). Najzastupljenija vrsta bila je P. aurantiogriseum (100%), zatim C. cladosporioides sa zastupljenošću od 75%.Glavne komponente etarskog ulja mente bile su mentol, menton i mentilacetat, kima karvon i limonen, a ruzmarina 1,8-cineol, kamfor, α-pinen i β-pinen. Etarska ulja mente, kima i ruzmarina pokazala su antifungalnu aktivnost prema svim testiranim izolatima plesni (Alternaria alternata, Aspergillus flavus, A. fumigatus, A. niger, A. versicolor, Cladosporium cladosporioides, Fusarium proliferatum, F. sporotrichioides, Penicillium aurantiogriseum, P. expansum i P. oxalicum). Vrednosti MIC i MFC ukazale su da su etarska ulja mente i kima bila mnogo efikasnija u inhibiciji rasta plesni u odnosu na etarsko ulje ruzmarina.Polazeći od osnovnog sirovinskog sastava testanih kora, deo pšeničnog brašna tip 500 zamenjen je integralnim pšeničnim heljdinim integralnim i kukuruznim brašnom u količini od 10%. Količine etarskih ulja za ispitivanje antifungalne zaštite testanih kora utvrđene su na osnovu dobijenih rezultata antifungalne aktivnosti etarskih ulja na odabrane vrste plesni za vrednosti 0,5 MIC, 1 MIC i 1,5 MIC. Testane kore su skladištene i ispitivane prema sledećoj dinamici: 0, 5, 7, 14 i 21 dan skladištenja na temperaturi od 8°C. Ispitivanja testanih kora su obuhvatila mikološka, fizičko-hemijska i senzorska ispitivanja. Mikopopulacija uzoraka testanih kora od pšenišnog brašna tip 500 i testanih kora sa dodatkom pšeničnog integralnog, heljdinog integralnog i kukuruznog integralnog brašna, bez dodatka etarskog ulja, svrstana je u 5 rodova (Aspergillus, Cladosporium, Fusarium, Penicillium i Rhizopus) i 9 vrsta. Najčešće izolovani iz uzoraka testanih kora su rodovi Cladosporium i Penicillium koji su bili utvrđeni u svim uzorcima sa učestalošću od 100%. Najzastupljenije vrste sa 100% učestalosti pojavljivanja bile su P. aurantiogriseum i C. cladosporioides. Za sve uzorke testanih kora utvrđeno je da je etarsko ulje kima u koncentracijama od 0,17% i 0,255% nakon 14 dana skladištenja ispoljilo veoma dobra inhibitorna svojstva, što je rezultiralo smanjenjem ukupnog broja plesni i jednom izolovanom vrste P. aurantiogriseum. Rezultati deskriptivne metode senzorske ocene testanih kora pokazali su najveće razlike uočene u pogledu intenziteta i ujednačenosti boje. Uzorci testanih kora se zanačajno se razlikuju po aromi koja je najintenzivnija kod testanih kore sa dodatkom 10% pšeničnog integralnog brašna. Rezultati diskriminatornog testa potvrdili da postoje značajne razlike u intenzitetu mirisa testanih kora pri višim koncentracijama dodatog etarskog ulja. Najvećim razlikama je doprineo dodatak etarskog ulja ruzmarina, a najmanje kima. Minimalne prome mirisa utvrđene su kod testanih kora proizvedenih sa dodatkom 10% pšeničnog integralnog brašna Fizičko-hemijska svojstva (aw vrednost, količina vode, stepen kiselosti) uzoraka testanih kora su se menjala tokom skladištenja.Na osnovu ciljeva doktorske disertacije, izvršenih ispitivanja i postignutih rezultata može se zaključiti da su ispitivana etarska ulja, kao i odabrane koncentracije doprineli produženju održivosti pekarskog proizvoda-testanih kora. Primenom etarskog ulja kima u koncentracijama od 0,17% i 0,255% moguće je skladištiti testane kore u periodu do 14 dana pri temperaturi od 8°C, pri čemu su senzorski najprihvatljivije testane kore sa 10% pšeničnog integralnog brašna.
The subject of the doctoral thesis contains research of the influence of medicinal and spice plants essential oils to the growth of molds isolated from various cereals and flours, the development of phyllo dough with the addition of examining cereal flour and essential oils, also as microbiological research of dough stability.Degree of mold contamination of wheat, buckwheat and corn, wheat flour T-500, whole grain wheat flour, whole grain buckwheat flour and whole grain corn flour, which are used for phyllo dough production was determined. From the samples of wheat, corn and buckwheat the most frequent isolated molds were from the genus Fusarium (100%), followed by Alternaria, Cladosporium and Penicillium (67%) and Aspergillus, Rhizopus andScopulariopsis (33%). Penicillium (100%), Aspergillus, Cladosporium and Fusarium (75%), have shown the largest distribution in cereal flours. The most frequent species were P. aurantiogriseum (100%), and C. cladosporioides with the frequency of 75%.The major components of mint essential oils were mint, menthone and menthyl acetate. The major components of caraway essential oils were carvone and limonene. The major components of rosemary essential oils were 1,8-cineole, camphor, α-pinene and β-pinene. Essential oil of mint, caraway and rosemary have shown antifungal activity towards all tested isolates (Alternaria alternata, Aspergillus flavus, A. fumigatus, A. niger, A. versicolor, Cladosporium cladosporioides, Fusarium proliferatum, F. sporotrichioides,Penicillium aurantiogriseum, P. expansum, and P. oxalicum). MIC and MFC values have indicated that essential mint and caraway oils were much efficient in mold growth inhibition in comparison to rosemary essential oil.Starting with the basic ingredients content of phyllo dough, the part of wheat flour T-500 was replaced with whole grain wheat flour, whole grain buckwheat flour, and whole grain corn flour in quantity of 10%. Essential oil quantities for research of phyllo dough antifungal protection were determined on the basis of essential oil antifungal activities results of selected species for the values 0,5 MIC, 1 MIC and 1,5 MIC. Phyllo doughs were stored and researched by the following dynamics: 0, 5, 7, 14 and 21 day of storing at 8°C. Researches of phyllo dough were contained: mycological researches, physico-chemical and sensory researches. Mycopopulation of the phyllo dough samples with wheat flour T-500 and phyllo dough with the addition of whole grain wheat flour, whole grain buckwheat flour and whole grain corn flour, without the addition of essential oil, was classified into 5 genera (Aspergillus, Cladosporium, Fusarium, Penicillium and Rhizopus) and 9 species. Among phyllo dough samples, the most frequent isolated generaCladosporium and Penicillium were detected in all samples with the frequency of 100%. Most represented species with the appearance frequency of 100% were P. aurantiogriseum and C. Cladosporioides. For the all samples of phyllo dough was determined that caraway essential oil concentrations of 0,17% and 0,255% after 14 days of storing have shown very good inhibitory abilities, which resulted with decrease of the total number of molds and one isolated species P. aurantiogriseum. Results of descriptive method of phyllo dough sensorial analyses have shown the biggest differences, spotted in the intensity and color uniformity of phyllo dough. Samples of phyllo dough were significantly different in cereal aroma, whereas, the phyllo dough with the addition of 10% whole grain wheat was with the most intense aroma. Results of discriminatory tests have shown that the differences in the aroma intensity were significant in higher concentration of added essential oil. The addition of rosemary essential oil has affected the highest differences, while the caraway essential oil has affected the lowest differences. The lowest aroma intensity variations were determined in phyllo dough with the addition of 10% whole grain wheat flour. Physico-chemical abilities (aw value, moisture content, acid number) of the phyllo dough samples have changed during the storing period.On the basis of doctoral thesis aims, conducted research and obtained results, it could be concluded that examined essential oils, also as selected concentrations, were contributed to the shelf life prolongation of the bakery products – phyllo dough pastry. By application of caraway essential oil in concentrations of 0,17% and 0,255% it's possible to store phyllo dough pastry up to 14 days at the temperature of 8°C, whereas, by following sensory characteristics the most acceptable phyllo dough pastry were with the addition of 10% whole grain wheat flour.
Databáze: OpenAIRE