Vibrotactile and visual threat cueing with high g threat intercept in dynamic flight simulation

Jazyk: angličtina
Rok vydání: 2006
Popis: In a TNO and FOI joint study, nine fighter pilots participated in a threat detection and intercept experiment in the Swedish Dynamic Flight Simulator. Visual threat cueing with a simulated Gripen aircraft head-up display (HUD) symbology was compared with combined visual and vibrotactile threat cueing by means of the HUD symbology and a TNO Tactile Torso Display consisting of 60 vibrators in a matrix covering the pilot’s torso. Each fighter pilot detected and intercepted 32 threats while pulling G-loads up to +8-9Gz. The high G-loads neither critically affected the tactile vest equipment nor the human sensory system, and visual/tactile cueing generated an overall faster RT to threat pop-ups compared with visual cueing alone. The pilots’ highest ratings of the tactile cueing were for capturing attention and indicating initial threat direction at threat pop-up. Thus, tactile threat cueing could enhance visual cueing and threat awareness in fighter aircraft.
Databáze: OpenAIRE