Drug resistance makes new control measures of stomach parasites in small ruminants necessary = Resistentie maakt nieuwe aanpak van de bestrijding van maagdarmwormen bij kleine herkauwers noodzakelijk

Jazyk: angličtina
Rok vydání: 2005
Zdroj: Tijdschrift voor Diergeneeskunde. 130(7):205-209
ISSN: 0040-7453
Popis: Control of Parasitic gastroenteritis in small ruminants is threatened by the worldwide growing problem of anthelmintic resistance. Therfore, alternativeapproaches for worm control are imperative. Of utmost importance is to slow down selection pressure for anthelmintic resistance by using alternative control measure combined with minimal anthelmintic usage. New control options for the Netherlands are discussed.
Databáze: OpenAIRE