Spectral Biomimetic Technique for Wood Classification Inspired by Human Echolocation

Autor: Isaac Martínez Rojas, Santiago Vignote Peña, Pablo Luis López Espí, Jesús Alpuente Hermosilla, Rocío Sánchez Montero, Juan Antonio Martínez Rojas
Jazyk: angličtina
Rok vydání: 2012
Zdroj: Advances in Acoustics and Vibration, ISSN ISSN 1687-6261, 2012-08, Vol. 2012, No. 378361
Advances in Acoustics and Vibration, Vol 2012 (2012)
Popis: Palatal clicks are most interesting for human echolocation. Moreover, these sounds are suitable for other acoustic applications due to their regular mathematical properties and reproducibility. Simple and nondestructive techniques, bioinspired by synthetized pulses whose form reproduces the best features of palatal clicks, can be developed. The use of synthetic palatal pulses also allows detailed studies of the real possibilities of acoustic human echolocation without the problems associated with subjective individual differences. These techniques are being applied to the study of wood. As an example, a comparison of the performance of both natural and synthetic human echolocation to identify three different species of wood is presented. The results show that human echolocation has a vast potential.
Databáze: OpenAIRE