Impact of nonpharmaceutical governmental strategies for prevention and control of COVID-19 in São Paulo State, Brazil

Autor: Fortaleza, Cristiane Ravagnani, Vilches, Thomas Nogueira, Berg de Almeida, Gabriel, Ferreira, Claudia Pio, Grotto, Rejane Maria Tommasini, Guimarães, Raul Borges, Souza, Lenice do Rosário de, Fortaleza, Carlos Magno Castelo Branco
Rok vydání: 2020
Popis: Interrupted time series analyses (ITSA) were performed to measure the impact of social distancing policies (instituted 22/03/2020) and subsequent mandatory masking in the community (instituted 04/05/2020) on the incidence and effective reproductive number (Rt) of COVID-19 in São Paulo State, Brazil. Overall, the impact of social distancing both on incidence and Rt was greater than the incremental effect of mandatory masking. Those findings may reflect either a small impact of face masking or the loosening of social distancing after mandatory use of masks.
Databáze: OpenAIRE