Results of the Gas-Phase Sulfur Intercomparison Experiment (GASIE): Overview of experimental setup, results and general conclusions

Autor: Donald C. Thornton, David R. Crosley, Paul D. Goldan, Jainguo Wu, Richard L. Benner, Douglas L. MacTaggart, Eric S. Saltzman, Michael S. Gallagher, Norbert Beltz, Ronald J. Ferek, Hilmar A. Stecher, Eric Scheuer, Barry Lefer, Winston T. Luke, Robert W. Talbot, George W. Luther, Udo Krischke, Sherry O. Farwell, William D. Dorko
Jazyk: angličtina
Rok vydání: 1997
Zdroj: Stecher, Hilmar A; Luther, George W; MacTaggart, Douglas L; Farwell, Sherry O; Crosley, David R; Dorko, William D; et al.(1997). Results of the Gas-Phase Sulfur Intercomparison Experiment (GASIE): Overview of experimental setup, results and general conclusions. Journal of Geophysical Research, 102(D13), 16219. doi: 10.1029/97JD01362. UC Irvine: Department of Earth System Science, UCI. Retrieved from:
DOI: 10.1029/97JD01362.
Popis: Seven techniques for the field measurement of trace atmospheric SO2 were compared simultaneously over 1 month in 1994 using samples produced in situ by dynamic dilution. Samples included SO2 in dry air, in humid air, and in air with potentially interfering gases added. In addition, 2 days of comparison using diluted ambient air were conducted. Six of the seven techniques compared well, with good linear response and no serious interferences but with a range of calibration differences of about 50%.
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