Exploring Goal Conflicts and How They Are Managed in a Biomedical Laboratory Using Rasmussen's Model of Boundaries

Autor: Viji Vijayan, Anthony Smoker
Rok vydání: 2021
Zdroj: Appl Biosaf
ISSN: 2470-1246
DOI: 10.1089/apb.21.919624
Popis: Introduction: Occupational health and safety management systems are widely used as a systematic approach to managing occupational health and safety. However, sometimes they are restrictive and underspecified to deal with dynamic workplace demands. Rasmussen used a model of boundaries to conceptualize this dynamic model of safety, where the space of possibilities lay within 3 boundaries and workers used various means to stay within the boundaries to remain both productive and safe at work. Methods: This study applied the Rasmussen model of boundaries to understand the factors that formed the boundaries, the gradients, and countergradients in a biomedical laboratory. Results: The most central goal was to be the first to publish, and this formed the boundary to scientific output failure; the boundary to unacceptable workload and boundary to functionally acceptable performance were the other 2 boundaries in line with the Rasmussen model. The workers had developed methods (mental risk assessment, teamwork, and experience and familiarity) of working, which ensured they remained productive and safe. This can be described as resilient performance, where resilience is not something that a system has but something it does to adjust their performance when faced with expected or unexpected changes. Discussion and Conclusion: A customized portfolio of rule-based non negotiable instructions and a risk assessment–based approach would be best suited for a biomedical laboratory. The workers have learned resilient performance on their own and unknowingly are already practicing this. It is now time to formally incorporate such practices into the safety systems of biomedical laboratories.
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