Performance Testing of Selected Types of Electronic Personal Dosimeters in X-And Gamma Radiation Fields

Autor: Miloš Z. Živanović, Đorđe R. Lazarević, Sandra Ceklic, Olivera Ciraj-Bjelac, Nikola Kržanović, Srboljub Stanković
Rok vydání: 2017
Zdroj: Health Physics
Popis: Electronic personal dosimeters (EPDs) are increasingly being used alongside conventional thermoluminescent dosimeters to measure the dose of legal record in terms of personal dose equivalent. Therefore, it is of great importance to execute performance tests of these dosimeters in photon fields of various energies and at various angles of incidence. This testing is done in order to simulate the behavior of these dosimeters in realistic multidirectional polyenergetic ionizing radiation fields. Tests of accuracy, linearity, energy response, and angular response have been performed on 10 EPDs from multiple manufacturers. Various radiation qualities have been used in the energy range from 33 keV to 1.33 MeV and for angles of incidence 0 degrees to 80 degrees. This research proves that many of the EPDs tested performed according to the manufacturers specifications and the requirements of the international standards regarding personal dosimetry.
Databáze: OpenAIRE