A New Technique of Pars Plana Vitrectomy with Microinterventional Nucleus Disassembly to Reduce the Energy of Fragmatome Lensectomy for Posteriorly Dislocated Crystalline Lens Removal

Autor: Matthew P Ohr, Fatoumata Yanoga, Jorge A Jimenez
Rok vydání: 2020
Zdroj: Retina (Philadelphia, Pa.).
ISSN: 1539-2864
Popis: Purpose To describe a novel technique of lens disassembly in posteriorly dislocated crystalline lens removal. Methods A microinterventional microfilament loop device (miLOOP) was introduced through the sclerotomy created for the Fragmatome to cleave the lens into smaller, manageable pieces. Results Five cases were performed with this technique with improved visual acuity (VA) and no complications. Conclusion The use of microinterventional nucleus disassembly during pars plana vitrectomy for retained lens material is a novel approach with potential advantages including decreased operating time and reduced complications secondary to excessive production of ultrasound energy.
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