Assembly of the active center of organophosphorus hydrolase in metal-organic frameworks via rational combination of functional ligands

Autor: Quan-Guo Zhai, Caixia Zhuo, Yaodong Zhang, Mengfan Xia, Xuejuan Ma, Xiaohong Zhang, Hua-Ming Sun
Rok vydání: 2017
Zdroj: Chemical communications (Cambridge, England). 53(82)
ISSN: 1364-548X
Popis: Different from popular mimics of bimetallic nuclear centers bridged by a hydroxide, a total coordination sphere of the active center of organophosphorus hydrolase was assembled in metal–organic frameworks by rational design and combination of ligands, which resulted in efficient destruction of nerve agent stimulants without a base as a co-catalyst.
Databáze: OpenAIRE