Intrafamilial variability of the ocular phenotype in a Polish family with a missense mutation (A63D) in the Norrie disease gene

Autor: Wolfgang Berger, Wieslawa Myga, Jacek Zaremba, Silke Feil, Jadwiga Juszko, Gerard van Duijnhoven
Rok vydání: 1998
Zdroj: Scopus-Elsevier
ISSN: 1381-6810
Popis: To describe the phenotypic variability in a Polish Norrie disease (ND) family associated with the missense mutation A63D.A patient with spared vision from a Polish ND family underwent detailed ophthalmological examinations including slit-lamp biomicroscopy, ultrasound (USG), angiography, Goldmann kinetic visual field, and electroretinography (ERG). Mutation screening was carried out using the single-strand conformation polymorphism (SSCP) technique and subsequent DNA sequencing of the coding part of the ND gene.A mutation was detected (exon 3, A63D) in a large Polish family with 12 affected males, all but one presenting with classical ND symptoms. In one male, partially preserved vision was observed up to 40 years of age (distance acuity of the right eye 1/50 and left eye 2/50). Slit-lamp examination revealed remnants of a persistent primary vitreous and hyaloid artery. Upon angiography, the retina was vascularized within the posterior pole but not in the periphery. The ERG revealed pathological changes characteristic for chorioretinal degenerations.Within one family, individuals with identical sequence alterations in the ND gene can show remarkable phenotypic variability of the ocular symptoms. These findings indicate the involvement of additional factors (epigenetic or genetic) in ocular pathogenesis of ND.
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