The quality influence of goat milk and technology of production on the characteristic of the goat milk cheese of the Camembert type

Autor: Anka Popović-Vranješ, Jelena Kecman, S. Jovanović, Anka Kasalica, Mila Savić, Dragica Miočinović, Milan Krajinović
Rok vydání: 2008
Zdroj: Acta Veterinaria-Beograd
Popis: The purpose of this work was to provide high quality goat milk production of a goat cheese of Camembert type. The results of the work are showing us that in row milk, the total number of bacteria was in a range from 4x103 to 20x103/mL, and the number of somatic cells is from 230x103 to 390x103/mL. Bacteria Listeria monocytogenes and Bacillus cereus were not found. Milk did not contain antibiotic residues, mycotoxins, pesticides, hard metals or radionucleoides. From the hygienic view, the milk was healthy and safe. Milk from German does i.e. the race of the studied goat had 3.2 ± 0.10% of fat and a mild taste and smell. The part of the middlechain fatty acids (C6-C12) was 15.31% and capric acid was 6.29%. Polyunsaturated fatty acids were 26.69% and linolic-acid 3.1%. According to protein content, as well as other indicators of the contents and physical-chemical characteristics, the milk was technologically suitable for cheese production. The selection of the cultures MM100 and TA052, as well as the mold Geotrichum condidum and Penicillium camemberti and the tehnologyc process with the HACCP system implemented, enabled the production of a healthy and safe cheese with the well known characteristics. Svrha rada je bila da se obezbedi kvalitetno kozje mleko i proizvede kozji sir u tipu Cammembert-a. Rezultati rada pokazuju da je kod sirovog mleka ukupan broj bakterija bio od 4 x 103 do 20 x103 / ml, a broj somatskih ćelija od 230x103 do 390x103/ml. Nisu nađene bakterije Listeria monocytogenes i Bacillus cereus. Mleko nije sadržavalo rezidue antibiotika, mikotoksina, pesticida, teških metala i radionuklida. U higijenskom pogledu mleko je bilo bezbedno. Mleko nemačke srnaste rase koza (stajski načina držanja) je imalo 3,2 ± 0,10% mlečne masti i blag ukus i miris po kozjem. Udeo srednjolančanih masnih kiselina (C6-C12) je bio 15,31 %, a kaprične kiseline 6,29 %. Polinezasićenih masnih kiselina je bilo 26,69 % u okviru kojih je bilo linolne kiseline 3,1 %. Na osnovu sadržaja proteina kao i ostalih pokazatelja sastava i fizičko-hemijskih osobina, mleko je tehnološki bilo pogodno za sir. Izbor starter kultura MM100 i TA052 kao i plesni Geotrichum candidum i Penicillium camemberti i provedenog tehnološka procesa uz implementaciju HACCP sistema, omogućuli su dobijanje bezbednog sira, karakterističnih osobina.
Databáze: OpenAIRE